Remedy from Natural Disasters Association

The Association conducts a public fundraising campaign to support the purchase of ultra-modern equipment in the USA that is used to extinguish forest fires! Please support our activities with a donation to the account:
PKO SA bank account:

PL 85 1240 6133 1111 0010 8397 4518

The European Commission is expecting a massive forest fire season in Europe

The EC expects this summer to bring fires in Europe on a larger scale than the average of recent years. European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarczicz said; that the destructive element will appear not only in the south of the continent.


Areas that are susceptible to forest fires are found not only in southern Europe, but also in Central Europe, and even in the northern part of the continent. Forest fires now occur in places where they have never been observed.

Janez Lenarczicz

European Commissioner for Crisis Management

Pożar lasu

As he added, it concerns both the number of fires and the projected area to burn this year.

He assured that the EU was ready to provide aid to countries that would be hit by the natural disaster. It includes mobilizing support, firefighting teams, transferring planes to those regions in Europe where fires happen. 

“We believe the risk of fires is high. I cannot say whether it is higher than last year, which was a historic year for the number of fires and burned areas.”
However, this season will undoubtedly be above the average of 10 or more years “- emphasized Lenarczicz.

Tremosine, Brescia, Italy – August 16, 2018: Firefighting helicopter flies over a big fire in the woods in the mountains above Lake Garda

The Association conducts a public fundraising campaign to support the purchase of ultra-modern equipment in the USA that is used to extinguish forest fires!

Please support our activities with a donation to the account (PKO SA):

PL 85 1240 6133 1111 0010 8397 4518

The Association has the consent of the Ministry of Administration for an indefinite public fundraiser!


Please support our activities with a donation to purchase ultra modern forest fire fighting equipment in the USA!

Last year, the fire season was record-breaking in Europe.

The reasons were: dry climate, winds and high temperatures. The number of EU countries affected by forest fires has increased in recent years. During 2018, the element destroyed almost 178 thousand hectares of forest and land in the EU, according to a European Commission report.

In 2018, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism was activated five times to respond to forest fires in Sweden, Greece, Latvia and Portugal. A total of 15 planes, 6 helicopters were used and over 400 firefighters were brought in. The European Union has earmarked EUR 1.6 million to cover transport costs to support countries affected by the disaster.

15 planes, 6 helicopters, over 400 firefighters

EUR 1.6 million to cover transport costs

Destroyed almost 178 thousand hectares of forest

In the face of expected, intensifying phenomena resulting from weather anomalies, you are invited to associate under the idea of: Help yourself.

The abusive exploitation of our planet’s natural resources has led to irreversible climate changes worldwide, hence the need to provide mutual support to save the lives of the loved ones.
Climate disturbances and changes cause unprecedented, violent storms, hurricanes, dangerous tornadoes, floods, droughts, fires, landslides, and other disasters. Unusual phenomena also occurring in Poland, which has not been encountered before.

Let us pray to God that you may never experience a natural catastrophe and allow others to benefit from the funds paid by you. If caught by a natural disaster, you will benefit from the capital of others who were not affected by the tragedy.

The Association conducts a public fundraising campaign to support the purchase of ultra-modern equipment in the USA that is used to extinguish forest fires!

Please support our activities with a donation to the account (PKO SA):

PL 85 1240 6133 1111 0010 8397 4518

The Association has the consent of the Ministry of Administration for an indefinite public fundraiser!


Please support our activities with a donation to purchase ultra modern forest fire fighting equipment in the USA!